Welcome to Enerchi
I’m Tara, a Sound Healing practitioner, Qigong teacher and a Forest Bathing Guide. I love sharing these amazing, transformational practices with people. I can help you release energetic blockages and induce a state of ease and harmony in your body, just by helping you to tune in to, and work with, your energy.
I use all of these practices in my daily life to support my health and wellbeing. Sound helps me to cut through the constant ‘mind chatter’ like nothing else I’ve tried, allowing me to be still and meditative. Qigong helps me to move mindfully and connect in with my body. Forest Bathing enables me to connect with nature, clear my mind and feel refreshed, energised and ready to deal with life.
Sound, Qigong and connecting with nature have been used for thousands of years and are mind, body, and spirit practices that help to improve mental and physical health.
Sound Healing
Tibetan singing bowls emit layered notes, tones and vibrations. Listening to them regularly can help to clear energetic blockages, balance out the chakras, soothe pain and musculoskeletal disorders, reduce anxiety, stress and depression and overall bring about a feeling of calm. It’s the easiest form of meditation too, as all you have to do is lay down (you can sit if you prefer), make yourself comfortable and give yourself permission to switch off, slow down, be open and relax. Listening to the singing bowls will help to recalibrate and rejuvenate you.
Qigong (or Chi Kung), comes from the Chinese words ‘Qi’ meaning energy and ‘gong,’ meaning ‘work’. It’s a form of movement exercise that has been practised for thousands of years. It’s a mind, body, spirit practice that helps improve mental and physical health, and promotes a healthy flow of qi (or energy) through the body. This exercise system focuses on cultivating and attracting life-force energies. It involves repeated, gentle movements that mobilise the body and joints. Qigong also builds awareness of the breath, supports meditation and brings balance.
Keep the energy flowing
A chakra becomes blocked if the energy in that area is sluggish and can’t flow smoothly. Imagine a stream filled with rocks, the more rocks there are, the slower the stream flows. If we remove the rocks, the stream begins to flow more easily. Here are several ways we can keep our energy flowing…
Therapeutic sounds help balance emotions and quieten a busy mind. Sound can help relieve the tension, stress and anxiety caused by overstimulation in our hectic modern world. It can have a positive effect on well-being and leave you feeling calm, peaceful and relaxed. It has been known to help with the effects of some physical illnesses because it is supportive and allows you to relax and unwind.
Breathing is a necessary and natural process of life. You bring qi into your body through breathing. Your breath reflects how you feel. When we feel stressed, our breath is short and shallow which causes the upper body to become tense and stiff. When we’re relaxed, we breathe more deeply. Slowing our breathing down helps to clear stress and tension. Tuning in to our breath and giving it attention can calm the mind and relax the body.
The mind and body are one. We hold our emotions and thoughts in our body. Emotions have sensations and they cause feelings in the body. Thoughts are cerebral occurrences that don’t always result in sensations. Qigong encourages you to be curious about your body and to become aware of it. As we tune in we become more conscious of how our emotional stress is manifesting in our body in a physical way.
Stress, tension and anxiety can cause our bodies to feel stiffness and pain. Our bodies are designed to move and Qigong enables you to do just that in a gentle way that is respectful of your body. Through gentle movement, qi is moved around the body nourishing the organs and meridian lines. Movement can help to increase the functionality of our joints, assist us in better sleep and improve our mental health.